Available from version 1.7.0

ABC classifies stock at Item level based on the number of requisition lines during a given period and ranks them on one of three following criteria:

Cost - Cost of the requisition lines

Volume - Allocated Qty

Transactions -Number of lines

The reason for Volume and Transactions is to distinguish the stock items that are issued in large quantities ie smoke detectors. These have a high Volume but can have a low Transaction rate. Therefore, if an item is in the top 50% of  items based on Cost it will be classified as an A. If the same item has a low Volume it would classified as a C on the Volume rate.

There are three parameters that can be set:

"ST", "ABC Period"  - number of months of requisition lines to look at - defaults to 12

"ST", "ABC A Percent"  - determines the top A level - defaults to 0.2 (20%)

"ST", "ABC C Percent"  - determines the bottom C  level - defaults to 0.2 (20%)

To change the defaults contact Datatecnix Support. Level B defaults to 0.6 (60%).

To generate new ABC Classifications go to Administration > Stock > ABC Classification and click Calculate ABC.

Please note if a stock item has not been issued or returned in the period it will not be classified.