The Stock Valuation function with OPEX III provides a snapshot (including stock valuation) of warehouse activity over a date period.
Subject to Access Security the snapshots can be viewed at Administration/Stock/Valuations/Periodic
A snapshot is automatically created as part of the Period End Processing. You can also create a snapshot on demand using the Calculate Snapshot button. The Calculate Snapshot button will create a snapshot for the time period from the previous entry in the grid to the current date and time.
The columns are as described below.
Start Date - The start date for a snapshot is calculated as the date of the last snapshot. For snapshots produced manually it is when the user last clicked the Calculate Snapshot button and it is the end of the previous Period snapshot for those created automatically using the Period End functions.
Issued (FIFO) - This is the cost of all item stock issued from this warehouse in the time period, this includes Requisition Returns.
Goods In - This is the cost of all item stock added to the warehouse in the time period, including Returns to Store.
Stock Returned to Supplier - This is the cost of all item stock returned to the Supplier from this warehouse in the time period.
Stock Returned to Store - This is the cost of all item stock returned to this warehouse using the Return to Store function in the Stock Module.
Invoice Adjustments - These are retrospective invoice adjustments that affect the Stock Valuation. These occur when an Invoice is finalised and the price of a stock item has changed but the receipt of that stock item was in a previous snapshot.
Summary and Detail Graphics Views are also provided by choosing the appropriate view.
Invoice Adjustments
Invoice Adjustments can have a retrospective impact on the Cost of Items Issued.
Consider this scenario
Period Start we have an empty warehouse
A Purchase Order for 10 of item A001 at a price of £10.00 is added to the system
One item of A001 is issued.
At this point a snapshot would show that we had a total stock value of £90.00, and that we had issued £10 of stock, and Goods In of £100.00
An invoice for A001 is then processed and the unit cost is changed to £11.00
At this point a snapshot would show that we had a total stock value of £99.00, and that we had issued £1 of stock, and there was an Invoice Adjustment of £10.00 Although we have issued no further stock the £1.00 reflects the retrospective cost adjustment.
If we ran Period End processing.
We would show a Stock Valuation of £99.00, Stock Issued of £11.00. Goods In of £110.00 and Invoice Adjustment of £0.00
Detailed Analysis
Selecting a line in the stock valuation grid will display a second grid that provides an analysis of the stock issued, using the information contained in each requisition line. The content and layout will vary depending on your configuration.