If you do not use the Purchase Ordering module you can add a purchase for stock items only via the stock module.

This method will be for users that enter their purchase orders directly onto a finance system. The benefit of duplicating the order in Opex III is that you will be able to see which stock items/sizes you currently have on order.

Go to Stock and search for the stock item you want to order.

Then from the bottom grid click on the Purchase Orders Advice tab followed by the Add button.

Enter the following details:

Supplier - select the supplier. If the supplier is not listed you will need to add the supplier. To do this click on the symbol that says Add Supplier to the right of the select box alongside Supplier as shown in the above diagram.

Size code - select the size that you are ordering

Whse code - enter the warehouse

Date placed - enter the date the order was placed. This may not be the same date that you are entering the order onto Opex III

Delivery date estimate - if applicable enter an estimated delivery date

Quantity - enter the quantity that is on the order for this size only

Item cost estimated - enter the unit price of the stock item/size

Budget desc - select the budget to which the order is to go against


Supplier ref - this field will be utilised when the stock is delivered so leave it blank for now

PO reference - enter the original purchase order number that was generated from the finance system. This will enable you to cross reference to the finance system.

Click OK to add the purchase order line.

Repeat the above for each size that is ordered of this stock item.

To enter an order for a different stock item search for the item code then repeat the above.