You can return goods back to the supplier that have already been booked into stock via the Purchase Orders screen or the Delivery Notes screen.
To return via the Purchase Orders screen click on Purchase Orders,search for the PO number then click on the line that you want to return.
Then click the 'Return' button. You can return all or part of the quantity that has been receipted.
If you would like the supplier to be emailed regarding the return select Yes from the Advise Supplier drop down, otherwise select No.
Then click OK.
When you return stock to a supplier the status of the original line on the purchase order will change to Returned (Receipted).
Two more lines will also be generated on the purchase order. One line will show as Returned and the other will show as Issued.
The Issued line will allow you to receipt the goods back in once the supplier has re-delivered. If the supplier is not going to re-deliver click on the Issued line and then click the Cancel option.
You can also return stock to a supplier using the same process as above via the Delivery Notes screen.