**Please note only users with a role of Finance Administrator can run Period End**

The Period End routine should be run ideally at the end of the day on the last day of each month or the first day of the new month.

To run Period End go to Administration/Stock/Period End

Click on the Period End button.

Click OK to confirm the period end processing.

The system will roll over the current period to the next period.

The periods are determined as follows:

Period 1   = April

Period 2   = May etc etc

Period 12 = March

A Year starts in April and finishes in March. Examples are:

Period 3 Year 2015 = June 2015

Period 11 Year 2015 = February 2016

The period end routine will archive Stock Transactions, Requisitions, Collection Notes, Purchase Orders and Staff History if the parameters for each module are set up with an Option Name of 'Archive After Month' in: Adminstration/System/Installed Modules.

To setup archiving or to check what archive parameters you currently have in place please speak to one of our support team.