Stock adjustments
Stock adjustments increase or decrease the stock level of an item/size. They do not affect the unit price of a stock item. Stock Adjustments should only be carried out by authorised staff members.
To enter a stock adjustment select the Stock option from the main menu.
Enter the stock code or part of the stock description into the quick find box and press enter.
Click the stock item that you want to apply the stock adjustment to and from the lower part of the screen click on the Transaction tab.
Click the Adjustment button.
To add a Stock Adjustment enter the following information:
- Stock Year - this will default to the current year
- Stock Period - this will default to the current period (Period 1 is April and period 12 is March)
- Size
- Warehouse - this will default to the main warehouse. Only update if needed.
- Qty - enter the qty by which you want the stock level to change. To increase the stock level enter a positive number eg 3. To reduce the stock level enter a minus figure eg -3.
- Reference - this is a free text field and can be the name of the person entering the stock adjustment, a number that cross references to a paper trail etc
- Justification - this is a free text field to explain why the stock adjustment has been required
Click OK.
Stock Adjustments are listed in the Stock Transaction tab as a transaction type of ADJT.
To print an Audit Sheet of the Stock Adjustment click on the warehouse field of the stock adjustment under the Transaction tab.
Then click Print Audit Sheet.
Each Stock Adjustment will have a unique reference number that cannot be changed.