Adding a new stock item
Before adding a new stock item you may need to add a new size scale for the item. Click the link below for instructions:
To add a new stock item click on Stock from the main menu then click New Item.
There are 7 tabs (General, Costs + Pricing, Levels, Catalogues, Measures, Additional & Image) containing fields that require data. Compulsory fields are indicated by * at the end of the field name.
Enter the following data under each tab:
- Item code - maximum of 16 characters
- Description
- Additional description
- Group one
- Group two
- Warehouse
- Size scale - select a size scale for the stock item. If the item is not sized select the All size scale. To add a new size scale go to Administration > Stock > Sizes
Click on the Costs + Pricing tab.
Costs + pricing:
- Price by size - select Y if the individual sizes have different unit prices, enter N if all sizes have the same unit price
- Latest cost - enter the unit price of the stock item
- Average cost
- Standard cost
- Selling price - if the stock item will be sold to external customers ie other police forces, enter the selling price
Click on the Levels tab.
- Reorder level - the level that will determine when you need to order more stock
- Minimum level - the level that will require approval before any further are issued from stock
- Danger level - this is the lowest level that you would want the stock item to be at
Click on the Catalogues tab.
Only enter data if officers enter their own requisitions and they use Opex Catalogues.
- Rank filter
- Company name - if applicable, select the constabulary/company
- Gender filter - Male, Female or N/A
Click on the Measures tab.
- Store Per - enter 1
- Price Per - enter 1
- Order Per - enter 1
- Stock unit - the unit in which the item is stocked
- Price unit - the unit in which the item is priced
- Order Unit - the unit in which the item is ordered
Click on the Additional tab.
- GL Code - select the general ledger code for the stock item
- Review period - select the frequency of review for stock item if applicable
- Serial numbers - select Y is the stock item has a serial number
- Certification control - enter Y if the stock item can only be issued if an officer holds the correct certificates
- Certificate name - select the certificate that is required for the stock item
- Old stock# - stock number from previous stock system
- On Stop - Yes or No
- Archive Flag
Click on the Image tab.
The Image tab will be used in conjunction with Catalogues.
For instructions on how to load an image click the link below:
In lower grid you will now be able to see the following tabs:
- Sizes
- Requisitions
- Transactions
- Suppliers
- Purchase Orders Advice
- Goods In
- Images
To link a Supplier to a stock item click the Suppliers tab and follow these instructions:
Editing/updating a stock item
** Only users with the role of stores_manager can edit a stock record.
To edit and update a stock record select Stock from the main menu.
Enter the stock code or part of the stock description in to the quick find box and press enter.
Click the drop down to the right of the item code and click Edit.
When you have finished updating the stock record click OK to confirm the changes.
There will be some fields that you cannot update ie size scale, latest cost, average cost, standard cost, total stock level etc as these are updated automatically by Opex.