To add a new size to an existing stock item go to Stock and search for the stock item that you want to add the size to.
In the bottom grid under the Sizes tab click New Sizes.
Enter the following details for the new size:
- Size code
- Latest Cost
- On Stop - Y or N
- Size sort order - enter a number that will determine where the size will appear in the grid
Example - if you want to add size 7 and you want it to appear in between sizez 6 and 8 look at the sort order number on the records for size 6 and 8 by clicking on the size under the Sizes tab.
If size 6 has a size order number of 10 and size 8 has a size order number of 20, to ensure size 7 appears in between 6 and 8 you must give size 7 a size order number between 11 and 19.
If you do not add a size order number the new size will appear at the top of the size list.
- Warehouse
Then click OK to add the new size.
**Please Note - if you add a new size to an existing size scale (Administration > Stock > Sizes) the new size will not automatically be added to the stock items already using that size scale. For existing stock items you must add a new size using the instructions above.