**You can only add a serial number if the Total Stock for the item/size is greater than the Serial Numbers in Store**
To add a single serial number or a batch of serial numbers go to Stock>Serial Numbers>Serial Batches and select the item you want to enter serial numbers for.
Click the Add Batch button and enter the following information:
- supplier
- loading method:
- Range will allow you to enter multiple numbers that run sequentially eg 100,101,102,103,104 etc
- Load from file allows you to load serial numbers from an excel spread sheet
- Add serial numbers free form allows you to manually enter the serial numbers you want to add eg 100, 180, 6002, 99156
- size
- warehouse
- supplier reference if applicable
- batch serial number - this is the serial number of the entire batch, possibly the serial number of the box that the stock was delivered in
- batch qty
- expiry date if applicable
- prefix - this will add a prefix to the beginning of all serial numbers in the batch
- suffix - this will add a suffix at the end of all serial numbers in the batch
- starting from - enter the lowest number in the batch
- step - enter the increment number of the serial numbers eg 10 will add 10 onto each serial number eg 10, 20, 30 etc
- zero fill - N
- item condition if applicable
- release - Y will add the serial numbers into the warehouse. N will hold back the serial numbers until you are ready to release them.
Then click OK