This article is only for customers that are using dedicated OPEX usernames that have been set up by Datatecnix. If this does not apply to you contact your IT support helpdesk, you can help with changing usernames and passwords.
Forgotten your password
If you forget your password to log in to Opex, click on the Forgotten Your Password link in
the Login to this website area.
Enter your User Name then click Next.
Enter your Password Answer * then click Finish.
A new password will be emailed to you. Log in to Opex in the normal way using the new password. ( It is best to cut and paste the new password from your email)
Once you have logged in to Opex you should change the password to something more memorable.
Click on My Account in the top right hand corner of the screen.
Enter the following:
- Password - this is the password that was emailed to you
- New Password - please note that the password must contain letters, numbers and at least one symbol ie %, #, $, !, *, \, ", / etc
- Confirm New Password **
- Password Answer - same as earlier *
Then click Update My Account to confirm the changes.
The next time you log in to Opex use your new password **
Updating your Password Question/Answer
In the Password field enter your current password. Then enter your new password question and password answer if applicable.
Click Update My Account to confirm the changes.