Stocktakes can be carried out on individual items, several items, warehouses, ABC Classifications, On Stop items and groups.
To carry out a partial stocktake go to Stock > Stocktake and click New.
Enter a name/description for your stocktake & click OK.
You can apply filters to the lower grid so that only the items that you want to count are displayed.
Filters can be applied to the Item Code, Description, Size, Group One, Group Two, Warehouse, ABC Classification and On Stop columns.
To stocktake one item only enter the item code in the Quick Find box.
You can Delete any items/sizes from the lower grid by clicking the line then clicking the Delete button.
Please note the grid will list items in all warehouses so if you operate more than one warehouse you will probably need to apply a filter to the warehouse column.
When you have finished filtering the grid, click Finalise Items. A message will be displayed Stock Items For Counting Finalised. Click OK.
Click the Items For Counting tab and you will see a table containing the stock item/s and all of the sizes associated with it.
To print a stocktake list click Print Counting Sheet. Use this printed list to record the actual stock figures counted for each item and size.
Then enter the stocktake figures for each item and size into the Counted column. Please note that if there is no stock of an item you need to enter 0 in the Counted column.
Once you have entered all of the counted figures you can view a list of the variances between the counted figures and the levels already on the system. Click Calculate Variances.
Variances will only be calculated for those items/sizes that have a value in the Counted column. If the figure in the Counted colum for an item/size agrees to the stock level on the system there will be no variance and it will not appear in the grid above.
The variance grid shows the quantity and price variances. This can be printed by clicking Print Variances.
To update a counted figure click the Counting Sheet button and enter the amended figure.
The variance grid also shows if any stock has been issued since the stocktake began. The Stock Issued column will display Y next to any item/size that has been issued.
Example: In the screen shot above a requisition has been dispatched during stocktake for 2 x CLC-001 size 12.
When the stocktake started there were 13 in stock. There has been a Stock Movement During Count of -2 and the Stock (Now) is 11. The Stock Issued flag is set to Y. The Counted figure of 13 has not been changed.
You have the option to adjust the Counted quantity to reflect the Requisition Issue. Click the line then click Override (Stock Issued).
Enter the amended quantity. This will be the Counted figure less the quantity Issued. In this case 11. Click OK.
The Override flag will then change from N to Y indicating that you have overridden the Counted figure. The Stock Movement Confirmed column will show the date and time the override was confirmed.
If you have already adjusted the count for the issue there will be no need to Override the count.
Once you have checked the variances and updated any counting or inputting errors click Post Stocktake in the top grid.
**Please note the stock take variance calculation will use the FIFO unit price of each stock item/size. If you want the variance to be calculated using the LAST cost please ask Datatecnix Support to change the parameter 'Stocktake Post' to LAST**.
The Post routine will only work if all items and sizes in the lower grid have a figure in the Counted column. If there is a blank in any of the Counted fileds the post will not work.
Post Stocktake will create a stock transaction (transaction type STKE) for every stock item and size so that the stock levels on the system agree with the actual counted stock figures.
The stock take transactions that are generated are as follows:
The stock level before stocktake is posted is 6, actual stocktake count is 7, the stocktake adjustment will be 1
The stock level before stocktake is posted is 6, actual stocktake count is 5, the stocktake adjustment will be –1
The stock level before stocktake is posted is 6, actual stocktake count is 6, the stocktake adjustment will be 0
Finally you can print the Audit Report (Variance Posted) and Audit Report (Full) from the top grid.