Applies to OPEX Version 2.1.3 or greater
Approving and Rejecting a Purchase Order
Purchase Order Approval in OPEX III is controlled by the Purchase Order Approval Table and a designated list of staff that have a level of Approval Authority.
A Purchase Order can be approved by any staff member whose level of Approval Authority Value is greater than the total value of the Purchase Order. The only exception is that if the Purchase Order has been submitted by the same Staff Member it cannot be approved.
Purchase Orders can be approved from the Purchase Orders Screen, or from the Approvals Screen Purchase Orders > Approvals > Issued Approval
Purchase Order Approval can also be controlled by Budget Codes, in that case a user will only see Purchase Orders with a Budget Code for whcih they have been assigned as an Approver. See Purchase Order Approval Setup for more information.
From the Main Menu Purchase Orders
Select a Purchase Order, if approval is required AND you have the correct Approval Authority Approve and Reject Buttons will appear.
You can select one or more records to approve or reject
Or from the Purchase Orders Approval Menu
From the Main Menu Purchase Orders/Approvals/Issue Approval
A list of all Purchase Orders that require Approval is displayed; the column Can Be Approved By shows the minimum level that can approve this Purchase Order
Select a Purchase Order Line to see the details for that Purchase Order.
You can select one or more records to approve or reject.
Rejecting a Purchase Order
Rejecting a Purchase Order will set the status back to Entered, so that changes can be made and the Purchase Order re submitted for Approval.
A prompt allows the entry of an optional comment to explain the rejection, and an option to advise the staff member who submitted the Purchase Order of the rejection.
An entry is made in the Notes section of the Purchase Order to record the rejection.
If you select a single Purchase Order to reject you can modify the email address that is notified, if you select multiple Purchase Orders to reject then the email address for the submitting staff member is used. The same rejection advise is used for all the Purchase Orders Selected.