Entitlement Catalogues are used as part of the Staff Self Service Module to control the stock items that a staff member is entitled to order and can see in their Personal and Location Catalogues.

There are 3 catalogue types:

- Location Catalogue - catalogues for specific locations

- Staff Location Catalogue - personal catalogues for staff in specific locations

- Staff Rank Catalogue - personal catalogues for staff with specific ranks

Catalogues are created by an Administrator and are linked to one or more Ranks, Locations and Items.  

For an item to appear in a staff members Personal Catalogue their Rank and Location must be in the Staff Rank Catalogue and Staff Location Catalogues respectively.

Item filters provide extra levels of control on entitlement. Item filters exist for Rank, Location, Gender and Constabulary. These are specified on an Item basis. For example an item marked as Female would only be displayed if the staff member was recorded as being Female, leaving it blank allows all genders to view the item.

 The example below shows the catalogue associated with the rank of Fire Fighter:

A female staff member with the Rank of Fire Fighter from West Yorkshire Fire would see all four stock items.

A male staff member with the Rank of Fire Fighter would see two items (A/A001 & A/A009).

For each of the 3 catalogue types there is a special catalogue called Every which is used to identify items that are available to all staff.

An item will be visible to a staff member using the Self Service Module if:

- the item exists in the Every Catalogue

- the Staff Location Catalogue is associated with the Location that they have been assigned 

- the Staff Rank Catalogue is assocaited with the Rank/Role that they have been assigned

- the item is contained within the Staff Location & Staff Rank Catalogues above

Location Catalogues

A Location Catalogue is created in Administration | Staff | Locations | Catalogues

You can associate the Location Catalogue with an individual Rank by editing the Rank record in  Administration | Staff | Staff Ranks


and you can add an Item to a Location Catalogue by editing the item record in Stock | Item

Staff Location Catalogues

A Staff Location Catalogue is created in Administration | Staff | Catalogues | Staff Location Catalogues

You can associate the Staff Location Catalogue with an individual Location by editing the Location record in Administration | Staff | Locations and you can add an Item to a Staff Location Catalogue by editing the item record in Stock | Item

Staff Rank Catalogues

A Staff Rank Catalogue is created in Administration | Staff | Catalogues | Staff Rank Catalogues

You can associate the Staff Rank Catalogue with an individual Rank using the Unattached Ranks tab in the lower grid. To remove a Rank from a Staff Rank Catalogue go to the Catalogue Ranks tab, select the Rank to be removed and click Remove From Catalogue.

From the same screen you can add or remove Items to the Staff Rank Catalogue by using the Catalogue Items and Unattached Items tabs.

Example - setting up a location to see/order item ABC

Administration | Staff | Catalogues | Staff Location Catalogue - add a new a catalogue called XYZ.

Administration | Staff | Locations - find the location or locations that you want to see/order item ABC, edit the record and assign the XYZ catalogue to the Staff Location Catalogue field.

From the main stock grid edit the record for item ABC and assign the XYZ catalogue to the Staff Location Catalogue field under the Catalogue tab.

Administration | Staff | Catalogues | Staff Rank Catalogue - see if item ABC is assigned to the Every Catalogue. If it is remove it from the catalogue.

At this stage any officer with the location specified above can see/order item ABC from the Personal Catalogue in the officer interface.

If you do not want item ABC to appear in the Location Catalogue in the officer interface edit the item record for ABC and remove the Every catalogue from the Location Catalogue field.