Stock returned from an officer
When an officer returns stock and the stock can be reused, the return needs to be entered onto Opex. This is done by returning the stock against the requisition it was originally issued on.
If you do not know which officer has returned the stock, use the following instructions for Returns to Store:
Go to Requisitions and search for the requisition number, epl number, surname or staff code.
Alternatively you can find the requisition via the Staff menu. Go to Staff then search for the officer then click on the Requisitions tab.
Click on the requisition line and 2 options will appear, Return & Exchange.
Return - this will return the stock item/size to stock and update the officers record
Enter the quantity to return and ensure the correct warehouse iis shown. If not update. Then click Ok.
Return All - There is a Return All option on the requisition header grid. Only use this option if you want to return all of the items on the requisition.
Click Return All.
If you want to return the items to the originating warehouse that they were issued from leave the warehouse field empty.
If you enter a warehouse all of the items on the requisition will be returned to that warehouse, regardless of where they were issued from.
If you want to return some items to the originating warehouse and some to a different warehouse (ie a disposal warehouse), use the Return function on the requisition line as described above.
Exchange - this is for size exchanges only. The old size will be returned to stock and the new size will be issued.
Enter the New Size and the quantity to exchange.
If a Collection Note for the original size is required select Yes from the Issue Collection Note field.
If Picking Lists are used and you do not want to print a picking list for the new size ensure the Force picking is set to Yes. If you want to be able to print a licking list set Force Picking to No.
Click Ok.