How to Add a Delivery Note

To add a delivery note click on the arrow to the right of the Purchase Orders option from the main menu then click Delivery Notes.

Click New Receipt and enter the following details:

- Supplier - click (select) and choose a suplier ie Bristol Uniforms

- Supplier Advice Code - enter the advice note number/delivery note number that is on the paperwork from the supplier

- Delivery Comments - this is a free text field for any additonal information

Click OK to add the delivery note header.

The screen below will be displayed. It will show all Purchase Orders for Bristol Uniforms that have one or more lines on at a status of Issued.

From the list of purchase orders click on the order that you would like to book in. In the screen above the purchase order number is 28708.

Once you have clicked on a purchase order all of the lines on that order at a status of Issued will be displayed in the grid below.

Click on the line that you want to book in. You will then have 2 options.

1. Quantity on the delivery note agrees to the purchase order line quantity

If the quantity on the purchase order line is the same as the quantity on the delivery note click the Receipt button as shown below.

2. Quantity on the delivery note does not agree to the purchase order line quantity

If the quantity on the purchase order line is not the same as the quantity on the delivery note you must click the button called Split Delivery. If you select Split Delivery you will see the following screen:

In the Adjusted Quantity field enter the quantity that has been delivered then click OK.

Once you have finished matching all of the items on the delivery note to purchase order lines, the matched lines will appear in the grid that says:

'This is a list of Purchase Order Lines that have been receipted against the selected Receipt'

In the example below one line has been matched, item B/T006, qty 8

At this stage if you have matched a line incorrectly click on the line then click the Remove Receipt button.

To complete the delivery note you must click the Finalise button in the top grid. This is extremely important as it is this stage that the stock transaction is created and the quantity is added onto the stock level.

If the stock that you have booked in is for a serialised stock item you must then add the serial numbers. This can be done by clicking on the serialised item in the grid 'This is a list of purchase order lines that have been receipted against the selected receipt'.

Click Add Serial Numbers and enter the following information:

- loading method:

     - Range will allow you to enter multiple numbers that run sequentially eg 100,101,102,103,104 etc

     - Load from file allows you to load serial numbers from an excel spread sheet

     - Add serial numbers free form allows you to manually enter the serial numbers you want to add eg 100, 180, 6002, 99156

- batch serial number - this is the serial number of the entire batch, possibly the serial number of the box that the stock was delivered in

- batch qty - this will default to the quantity that was receipted. If you want to add less serial numbers update the quantity.

- expiry date if applicable

- prefix - this will add a prefix to the beginning of all serial numbers in the batch

- suffix - this will add a suffix at the end of all serial numbers in the batch

- starting from - enter the lowest number in the batch

- step - enter the increment number of the serial numbers eg 10 will add 10 onto each serial number eg 10, 20, 30 etc

- zero fill - N

- item condition if applicable

- release - Y will add the serial numbers into the warehouse. N will hold back the serial numbers until you are ready to release them.

Click OK to add the serial numbers.