Adding a new supplier record

To add a new supplier go to Administration>Stock>Suppliers.

Then click New Supplier.

Enter the following supplier information:

- Supplier number - this will probably be the number that is used by your finance department

- Supplier name

- Short name - up to 6 characters

- Agreement number - if there is an agreement in place with the supplier enter the number

- Address

- Postcode

- On Stop - Yes or No

Then click on the Contact Details tab:

- Contact Name

- Telephone Number

- Fax Number

- Email

- Admin Email - email address for administration purposes

- Disposal Email - email address for stock disposal

- Remarks 1 and 2 - any additional releveant information for the supplier

Click OK to add the supplier.

Updating a supplier record

To update an existing supplier go to Administration>Stock>Suppliers.

Find the supplier that you would like to update using the quick find box.

Click the Edit button.

Enter the required amendments then click OK to save the changes.