Once a purchase order has been Approved it can be emailed to the supplier.

Go to Purchase Orders and click the order that you want to email.

Click the Email button in the top grid.

A box will appear that shows the default email address, if one exists, that is currently on the suppliers record. You can update the default email address and/or add additional email addresses.

To add/update the default email address on a suppliers record see below.

Click Ok to send the email. A message will be displayed to confirm that the email has been sent. The purchase order will then be emailed to the supplier in pdf format.

When an order is emailed a Note is created on the Purchase Order header grid Note tab.

Adding/updating the default email address on a supplier record

Administration > Stock > Suppliers

Search for the supplier then click the Edit button.

Click on the Contact Details tab.

The field called Email is the default email address that is used for emailing purchase orders.

Click OK to confirm any changes.