OPEX can automatically create a purchase order for any stock items/sizes that have a current Stock Position lower than its Reorder Level.
The current Stock Position is calculated as Free Stock (Total Stock minus Allocated Stock) less Outstanding Requisitions plus quantity On Order.
Free Stock 0
Outstanding Requisitions 3
Quantity On Order 1
Reorder Level 10
The current Stock Position is -2 (0 - 3 + 1).
In order to reach the Reorder Level of 10 a quantity of 12 (10 reorder level + 2 stock position shortfall) would be required. Therefore the automatic order would suggest an order quantity of 12.
The Automate Purchase Ordering uses the Stock Reorder Analysis screen to determine what items should be ordered. The reorder analyis can be done at a Warehouse or a Size level. The system parameters ST, Reorder Level (S or W) and ST,Reorder Warehouse (Warehouse Code) should be set accordingly.
To generate an automatic purchase order go to Purchase Orders > Automated Purchase Orders
To run the process for one supplier only click the drop down to the right of the Supplier filter and select a supplier. Then click Search. If you do not place a filter on the supplier field the process will look at all suppliers.
All of the stock items for that supplier that require ordering will be listed.
Click the Build Reorder List button.
Enter the following information:
- Clear Existing Automated Lines - default No. If another automated purchase order has been built and it is in the Lines For Purchase Orders tab, it will not be removed.
- Create PO's as Entered - default No. Before a purchase order is created the lines will be displayed in the Lines For Purchase Orders tab so you can amend or delete.
- Budget Code - enter a budget code. If you would like a default budget code setting up please contact support.
- Delivery Instructions - enter a delivery instruction if applicable. If you would like a default delivery instruction setting up please contact support.
- Delivery Address - enter a delivery address if applicable. If you would like a default delivery address setting up please contact support.
- Department - enter a department if applicable. If you would like a default department setting up please contact support.
- Default Supplier - the default supplier will be used if no supplier is marked as the Main Supplier for that item.
- Overide Suggested Supplier - only change to Yes if it is to be used when there is a Main Supplier.
- Overide Item GL Code - the GL code will be picked up from the stock record. If you want to change the GL code and use the same code for all items on the order click select and choose a GL code.
Then click OK.
A message will be displayed 'Purchase Order Lines Created'. Click OK.
**Please note you can only build a reorder list for a maximum of 100 stock items at a time. If you have more than 100 lines you will need to build the list in 2 or more runs by applying filters to say the warehouse or stock item columns. Even though you are building the list more than once, only one purchase order will be created for all of the stock items.**
The order lines will then be transferred to the 'Lines For Purchase Orders' tab.
From this screen you can delete or amend a line by clicking the line and selecting Delete or Edit.
You can remove all lines by clicking the Clear button.
You cannot add a stock item to the order list in this screen.
Click Build Purchase Orders.
This will create a purchase order for each supplier containing all of the lines that were in the Lines For Purchase Orders tab at the time you clicked Build Purchase Orders. The order will be at a status of Entered.
If you want to add more lines (stock or text) to the order you can do so.
Automated Purchase Ordering also works if there are conversion units in place for a stock item.
Free stock 0
Reorder level 20
Order unit - Pack of 10
Store unit - Each
The automated order created would be for a quantity of 2.
For more information on Units of Measure and Conversions see https://datatecnix.freshdesk.com/a/solutions/articles/11000030233