There may be occasions where a stock item has been charged on a requisition at an incorrect unit price. You can amend the unit cost if the requisition line is at a status of Complete. Please note you can only amend the price of stock items, not text items.
The role of Finance_Manager is required to perform this action. If you are unsure if you have this role please contact Support.
To amend the unit cost go to Requisitions, find the requisition then click on the requisition line.
A PriceChange button will appear in the lower grid. If the button does not appear either the line status is not Complete or you do not have the role of Finance_Manager.
Click Price Change
Enter the New Unit Cost and click OK.
This will create 2 additonal lines on the requisition for that stock item.
There will be a Returned line for the incorrect unit cost and another Complete line for the new unit cost.