Go to Purchase Orders > Invoices
Click New Invoice
Enter the following:
- Supplier code - click (select) and choose a supplier
- Supplier Invoice Number
- Invoice Date - will default to today's date. Click the calendar to change.
- Amount - this is the net amount as shown on the invoice, including any delivery charges
- Delivery Charge - if there is a delivery charge shown separately on the invoice enter the net cost
- Comment - is a free text field for you to add any additional information
- Accounting Reference - enter the reference number that will be used on your financial system ie SAP Reference
Click OK to add the invoice header.
A grid will be displayed below the invoice header called Outstanding Purchase Orders. The grid will show all of the purchase orders for this supplier that have lines at a status of Receipted. Only lines at Receipted can be invoiced.
Click on the associated purchase order. A further grid will be displayed below showing all of the lines on that purchase order at Receipted.
If the total cost of the order is the same as the total cost on the invoice you can click the Match button under the Outstanding Purchase Orders grid. This will move all of the lines to the Allocated Lines tab, directly under the invoice header.
If the cost on the invoice differs to the cost on the order you will need to amend the line(s). In the Purchase Order Line grid at the bottom of the screen click on the line you want to change then click Split (Invoice). You have the option to change the Unit Price and/or the Adjusted Quantity. You will only need to amend the quantity if the invoice quantity is different to the receipted quantity. For example, you order and receive 100 ties. For whatever reason the supplier sends you 2 invoices, one for 80 ties and one for 20 ties. You would enter the 2 invoices separately and adjust the quantity to 80 and 20 accordingly.
Click OK to add any changes.
The amended line will then appear under the Allocated Lines tab directly under the invoice header.
Repeat the above for all lines on the invoice. It may be that the invoice is for more than one purchase order. If that is the case simply click on each purchase order in the Outstanding Purchase Orders grid and Match or Split (Invoice) each line.
Once you have matched all of the lines on the invoice go to the invoice header and click Complete Invoice and enter the accounting reference.
** Please note - the Complete Invoice button will only be displayed if the Amount field on the invoice header agrees to all of the lines that you have matched. To make any amendments click on the line and adjust accordingly.
Invoice Rounding
Available in version 1.8.2.
There may be occasions when the order and the invoice costs do not and will never match. For example, you order 1000 paperclips at 5p each = £50.00. The supplier delivers 1000 and sends an invoice for £49.99.
You would enter the Invoice amount as £49.99 and Match the line at £50.00. You would Edit the invoice header and enter -1p into the Rounding field (we want to reduce the line by 1p to match the invoice). The Amount and Amount Agreed totals would then agree and you can Complete the invoice.