Requisitions are used to order items from the store for a staff member or for a location/department.
To create a new requisition you need to:
1. Create a header with information about the requisition, who it is for and where it should be delivered to.
2. Create a line for each item that is required.
3. Submit the requisition for Approval.
1. Create a requisition header for a staff member or location/department
You do this from the Requisition screen, using the Add Requisition button.
You need to select what type of requisition is being created. There are four types:
- Staff Item - this is used for stock items for a staff member
- Location Items- this is used for stock items for a location/department
- Location Text - this is used for text items for a location/department
- Staff Text - this is used for text items for a staff member
Select the type from the list.
Select the staff member or location/department using the Quick Find Tool (for instructions on how to use the Quick Find tool click the following link
For Staff requisitions you can search on staff code/service number, surname and/or epaulette number. For Location requisitions you can search on location code and/or location description.
Once you have selected a Staff member or Location the majority of the information on the form will be filled in for you and should not need to be modified.
Information that can be added or changed on a requisition header:
Staff tab: - Budget code - use if an alternative budget is required
- Default Reason Code - if you enter a reason code on the header the same code will be used for each line on the requisition. The code on the line can be changed.
Delivery tab: - Delivery address - use if the items are to be delivered to a different address
General tab: - Free text - use to record any additional information
If there are no further changes, click OK to add the requisition header.
2. Create a line for each item
You do this from the grid below the requisition header, using the Add Line button.
There are 2 types of line:
i) Stock Item - for Staff Item or Location Item requisitions only
Select a stock item.
If the staff member you are entering the requisition for has requested the item in the past the last size that was requested will be displayed. This can be changed by clicking the eraser and selecting an alternative size from the list. If the item has not been requested in the past select a Size.
Enter the quantity required and add or update the Reason Code if required.
From the Additional text tab you can add any extra information and from the Codes tab you can change the GL code.
ii) Text line - for Staff Text or Location Text requisitions only
Select the Purchase Order number then PO line if known.
If the Purchase Order number is not known add a description of the item, any additional notes, unit cost, quantity required and Reason Code.
From the Financial tab you can change the Budget Code and GL code.
Click OK to add the requisition line.
To add another line click Add Line.
To make amendments to a line ie change the size, quantity, item code etc click the 'e' under the Actions column. This will allow you to edit the line.
To delete a line click on the 'd' button.
3. Submit the requisition for Approval
Once you have added all of the lines go to the requisition header and click the Submit button.
The requisition is now ready for approval.