Approving requisitions

Only users with the role of Req_Approver can approve requisitions.

To approve a requisition go to Requisitions > Officer Approvals. Only requisitions at a status of Submitted will appear.

Click on a requisition. The Items grid will display the items on the requisition. Click on an item and the Staff History grid will display any previous requisitions for that item.

If the officer is entitled to the items and the quantities and reason codes are correct click the Approve button from the top grid.

To make changes to the quantity, size or reason code click on the line and click the e (Edit) button to the left of the item code. After you have made the changes click OK.

If you want to add another item to the requisition go to the main Requisitions screen, find the requisition and click the Modify button from the top grid. This will change the requisition status to Entered. The Items grid will display the items already on the requisition. Click Add Line. Once you have finished adding lines to the requisition and no further changes are required click Submit from the top grid, followed by Approve.

Rejecting requisitions

Only a line, not the entire requisition, can be rejected and this action is carried out in the Requisitions > Officer Approvals screen.

Click on the Items tab and the Reject Line button will be displayedReject Line will cancel the line and send a notification email to the officer informing them that the line has been removed/cancelled from the requisition. Before the email is sent you can add additional text and a CC Email address if required. Alternatively, you can choose not to notify the officer by email by selecting 'No' to Advise User. 

Notification emails are only sent when the Reject Line button is used.

If there is only one line on the requisition and it has been rejected the requisition will effectively be cancelled.

Cancelling requisitions

To Cancel a requisition go to the main Requisitions grid and select Modify. This will change the requisition status from Submitted (SU) to Entered (EN). You can then make changes to the requisition or Cancel the requisition.  

**Please note you can only add a line to a requisition or cancel a requisition if the requisition is at status Entered.