To add a Location Item requisition click Requisitions.
Click Add Requisition then select Location Items from the drop down.
Click (select) to choose an location.
You can search for a location by entering any part of the location description into the Quick Find box and pressing enter on your keyboard or clicking the magnifying glass to the right of the Quick Find box.
Click on the Location name to select the record.
The Location Code, Cost Code and Cost Code Description will automatically be displayed. If any of these details are incorrect contact stores.
If you want to change the Budget Code click the (select) field and choose an alternative budget code.
Click the Delivery tab.
The default delivery address will be displayed. To amend, click the Change Delviery Address field and select an alternative.
Click the General tab.
Enter any additional information into the free text box.
Click OK to add the requisition header.
The next stage is to add the stock items to the requisition. A grid will appear below the requisition header. Click Add Line.
To select a stock item click the Code box.
In the Quick Find box enter the stock code or any part of the stock description then press enter on your keyboard or click the magnifying glass.
Please note when you are searching for a stock item the more specific you are the smaller the result set will be. For example if you searched for pen the result would show pens, pencils, penlight, dispensers etc. To narrow down the results you could search for pen ballpoint. The system would look for all of the words, in any order, in the stock description.
Once you have found the stock item click on the description of the item to select it.
If the location has requested the item in the past the last size that was requested will be displayed. To change the size click the eraser to the right of the size then click in the field and select a size from the list.
If the item has not been requested in the past the Size field will show as (select). Click the box and select a size from the list.
Enter the quantity.
Enter a Reason Code.
Click OK to add the stock item to the requisition.
To add another item click Add Line.
To make any amendments to the stock item that you have requested ie change the size, quantity, item code click the 'e' to the left of the Code column. This will allow you to edit the line.
To delete the line click on the 'd' button.
Once you have added all of the items go to the top grid and click the Submit button. The requisition is now ready for approval.