If stock of an item is receipted onto Opex and there are Out of Stock requisitions for that item, the easiest and quickest way to complete the requisitions is via the Requisitions > Out of Stock Items screen.
There are 3 options available that allow you to complete and dispatch the requisitions (if you are using picking lists these options will only update the requisition line status to Allocated):
Complete Requisition
Click on a requisition line to highlight it or select one or more lines by clicking the tick box to the left of the requisition number.
Click Complete Requisition.
The system will complete all lines on the requisition providing sufficient free stock is available.
If there is insufficent free stock to complete a line, only that line will stay at Out of Stock and you will need to use either the Complete All or Complete Line option (see below). All other lines on the requisition where sufficient free stock was available will be completed.
Complete Line
Click on a requisition line to highlight it.
The Complete Line option will only be displayed if there is sufficient free stock available to fulfill all or part of the OS quantity.
Click Complete Line.
Complete Line only works for one line at a time.
Complete All
Select more than one line by clicking the tick box to the left of the requisition number.
The Complete All option will then be displayed.
The system will complete each selected line (not the full requisition) providing sufficient free stock is available.
If there is insufficent free stock to complete the full line quantity the system will complete as much as possible and the shortfall will stay at OS.
A message will be displayed to inform you which requisitions have not been completely fulfilled.