OPEX provides a Picking Screen to allow easy acess to the key functions that are underataken in Stores during the picking and dispatch of requisitioned goods. It is designed to be used standalone or in conjunction with Hanheld devices such as Table with or without barcode data entry.
The standard Picking screen is acessed from Requisitions > Picking , there are upto 4 grids on the screen, two showing what is ready to be picked , two showing what is currently being picked. How you manage moving requisitions from one grid to the next will depend on your business process. In some caeses it maybe that requsiitions that are Partially Allocated ( they may have a stock or alowance query on a line) will be triaged before they appear on this screen.
The top grid shows all Requsitions that are ready to be picked ( both allocated and partially allocated ) are displayed, you can browse individual requisitions and all the normal commands for requisition line management can be accessed.
Depending on the business proceess that is being followed you can select one or more Requisition to Pick in a single command. Depending on the workflow you are using it is possibe to have one action that sends a requisition for Picking and Prints a Picking Slip, in other cases it a Picking List is not printed until the next step.
Once they are selected they will appear in the third grid of the screen, where they remain until they are confirmed as being dispatched.
If a line is in the third grid is selected then the details for that Requsition will be displayed in the last grid on the screen.
You may at this point choose to select one or more of these requsitions and print picking lists. If you are using a handheld device to add in the picking process then the items to be displayed would be displayed on the device.
Once the items from a picking list have been picked you can select that requisition in the third grid and confirm its dispatch, depending on your configuration the Picking List may accompany the goods as a Delivery Note ( The system if configured will also send an email dispatch note). It is not recommened but is possible to select multiple requsitions and confirm their dispatch in one action. if you are using a Handheld device to add in Picking it s possible to confirm the dispatch directly from the device.