Applies to OPEX Version 2.1.3 or greater
The SAP Interface is designed to allow the integration of OPEX with a SAP Financial Systems, by synchronsing the Purchase Order and Goods Receipted Information.
When OPEX Purchase Orders are Created, Modified , Receipted and Cancelled a dynamic Interface Record is produced. The transfer is designed to operate automatically on a daily basis, but it can be run manually from the OPEX Interface.
You can view the records that will be sent to SAP here Adminstration > Purchase Orders > SAP Interface , and you will need to have Finance Manager authority to see the screen.
The initial view displayed is a summary of the information that will be sent to SAP, select the view SAP Transfer Detail using the View Dropdown to display the full detail , and also the commands to manage the Transfer.
The following Commands are available
Download SAP This will download in CSV Format a file suitable for loading in SAP, the records will not be marked as being transferred to SAP
Transfer SAP UI This will download in CSV Format a file suitable for loading in SAP, the recordsbe be marked as being trabsferred to SAP, and a entry created in the SAP Transfer log ( See Below), once this is done the records can not be transferred again.
Transfer SAP File Is used by the automatica transfer and has the sam effect as Transfer SAP UI
The records that are sent to SAP do not exist seperately they are created dynamically based on actions undertaken in OPEX, these means for example if a Purchase Order line was Amended twice beofre it was sent to SAP only one record ( reflecting the total change) would be sent to SAP
To ensure that the Purchase Order remains consistent in both system and that the Purchase Order approval workflow is retained some additonal commands are availaibe in OPEX. See Amending a Purchase Order and Splitting a Purchase Order Line for further details.
SAP Transfer Log
A record of the transfer made to SAP can be found here Adminstration > Purchase Orders > SAP Interface > Transfer Log
You can see the records that were transferred and download them in SAP format from this screen
There are certain cases ( Amending a PO Line for example ) where a Purchase Order Line will be sent to SAP on more than one ocassion, the transfer Records are not permananent, so only the most recent action would be visible in the Log entries