Applies to OPEX Version 2.1.3 or greater
A Purchase Order that has been approved and issued may require amending.
If the Purchase Order has a status of Issued then the Quantity, Unit Price, Budget and GL Codes can be modified. For Quantity and Unit Price modifications, as long as the new total line cost is within the set PO Line Tolerance the changes can be made without approval. If the change is outside of this range or requires a Budget Code change then reapproval is required. See PO Tolerances for more information.
The quantity on a Receipted order cannot be changed (however you can return the items, modify then receipt again if this is required).
The Amend option will appear for a Purchase Order Line with a status of Issued or Receipted for a user with Finance_Manager authority. A Reason is required for the change and a note will be added to the Purchase Order Notes tab to record the change.
Amending a Purchase Order line will result in an entry in the next OPEX SAP Transfer log.